What is ECGFF

With the general aim of improving the development of Coast Guard Functions across borders and sectors, the European Coast Guard Functions Forum has the following objectives:
i. To build and maintain a network of Heads of National authorities for Coast Guard Functions and designated Officers from EU Institutions, Agencies, and Directorates with related competencies in Coast Guard Functions
ii. To agree Rules and Procedures for the Plenary Conference, Secretariat, and any working groups including matters relating to funding
iii. To assist in the development of common operational procedures and standards in line with prescribed, international norms, reinforce synergies, and improved operational preparedness, cooperation, and response across borders and sectors
iv. To consider the possibilities of promoting trust, burden sharing, asset sharing, and enhanced regional cooperation\
v. To establish a standing forum promoting the exchange of information, expertise, technical assistance, best practice, training, exercises, and education
vi. To provide relevant recommendations, advice, and joint submissions as appropriate
vii. To act as a shared advice source on operational 'coast guarding' to others including the EU Institutions
viii. To consider, discuss, and where possible develop a common understanding of operational challenges and emerging risks in the maritime domain of EU States
ix. To develop over time and as appropriate a coordinated and collective response through cooperation and agreement to emerging and existing risks in the EU maritime domain
x. To monitor ongoing development in the maritime domain that may have an impact on Coast Guard Functions
xi. To establish and maintain contacts, within the frame of common objectives, with relevant institutions and organizations at the international and/or European level.